Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy shall govern our use, storage, processing and disclosure of personal and other information that you may be required to provide in relation to your use of website and services. Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. By using or accessing our website, you are deemed to have accepted our Privacy Policy and are bound to the provisions of the same.

1. Categories of User Information. In using or accessing our website, you may be required to provide current, accurate, and complete identification, contact details and other information. Such information are classified as follows:
Personally Identifiable Information. Personally Identifiable Information pertains to information whether recorded or not from which the identity of a person is apparent or can be directly or reasonably ascertained by Travelyart or when put together with other information would directly and certainly identify a person. Personally Identifiable Information includes but is not limited to information relating to identity, nationality, age, gender, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, marital status, education, employment information, income, or personal opinions. Personally Identifiable Information is collected when you sign-up for an user account, when you log-in or when you subscribe to our newsletters and to third party promotions.
Non-Personally Identifiable Information. Non-personally Identifiable Information is information that does not identify you as an individual. Non-personally Identifiable Information includes information such as your browser type, IP address, previous pages you visited on our website and information from cookies. We collect Non-personally Identifiable Information when you use our website.
Where the information you provide changes over time, you shall have the obligation to amend or update such information without undue delay. Travelyart shall not be liable for any loss, damage or claim arising from your failure or delay in providing us current, accurate and complete information. If you wish to amend or update any information you have previously provided, please log-in to your account in and update your profile.

2. Use of Personally and Non-Personally Identifiable Information. By signifying your express consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy, you agree and acknowledge that Travelyart is free to use and shall not be held liable for the use of your information for the following purposes:
a) Register you on our website and provide you with personalized services (i.e., services tailored to your web preferences and usage patterns);
b) Keep you updated with third party offers and promotions, e-mails, and newsletters;
c) Notify you with our services;
d) To improve our website based on your feedback and responses.
3. Nondisclosure of Personally Identifiable Information. We will not sell, exchange, transfer or provide your Personally Identifiable Information to any third party without your effective consent, evidenced by written, electronic or recorded means unless:
a) Such disclosure is provided to third parties who are similarly bound by privacy, confidentiality and non-disclosure obligations for purposes of assisting us in our website operations, conduct of our business, or in the normal course of transactions;
b) Such Personally Identifiable Information becomes public information through no fault of Travelyart, or
c) We are compelled by court or government order or otherwise required by law.

4. Our Duty to Safeguard Private Information. We will use your Personally Identifiable Information only in relation to our performance of our obligations hereunder and our offered services. We will use reasonable physical, organizational, and technological measures necessary, in accordance with industry practices and the sensitivity of the information provided, to safeguard Personally Identifiable Information against unauthorized disclosures. We will not disclose your Personally Identifiable Information except only to employees and contractors who have a need to know in the ordinary course of business, and will ensure that they access and use it only in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Travelyart shall not be liable for costs, fines, penalties or other claims arising from any unauthorized access of such information that is beyond our control or despite the safety precautions and security measures undertaken by Travelyart.

5. Unauthorized Activities. In order to safeguard your Personally Identifiable Information and those of the other users of our website, the following activities are prohibited:
a) Use of our website for your own proprietary or commercial gain;
b) Removing, altering or tampering with any information which our website contains unless in the course of updating or amending personal information to make it accurate and complete;
c) Use of our website or any information contained therein for illegal or illegitimate purposes or in any manner that may prejudice or damage our business;
d) Use of any information from our website in a defamatory or offensive manner;
(e) Use of our website or of any information from our website in a way that could damage, restrict, harm, or compromise our systems or security or interfere with other users.

6. Children. Our website is a general audience site intended for adults, and you acknowledge that we do not knowingly collect information about children. Any agreement signed by a minor (a person below 18 years of age) in connection with this Privacy Policy and/or Terms of Use is considered voidable.

7. Rights to Intellectual Property. Nothing in our Privacy Policy contained herein shall be implied or construed as creating, conveying, transferring, granting or conferring your ownership of your Personally Identifiable Information to us or any right over the same, except the limited right to use your Personally Identifiable Information.

8. Limitation of Liability. You acknowledge and agree that we shall not be liable for any claim arising from or in connection with your provision of erratic, erroneous, inaccurate, incomplete or outdated information, whether personally identifiable or not or the hacking or unauthorized access of your information by third parties.

9. Third Party Links. From time to time, we may include third party links to and post advertisements in our website, social media accounts, emails or newsletters. Consequently, you agree and acknowledge that we can process your Personally Identifiable Information for statistical purposes and provide the results or processed data as well as your e-mail to such third parties and advertisers in rendering services to you in the normal course of business, including but not limited to data analysis, promotions and offers, and customer service in general. These third party websites have separate and independent privacy policies of their own. We shall bear no responsibility or liability for the content of such websites and activities of such third parties or their failure to provide adequate safety and security measures to protect information provided by users.

10. Cookies and Google Analytics Disclosure. A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies helps us analyze our web traffic, identifies which pages are being used and helps us improve our website in order to tailor it to your needs. We only use this Non-Personally Identifiable Information for statistical purposes. In no event do cookies give us access to your computer or device or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with or provide us. You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies should you prefer to do so. You understand and acknowledge, however, that in declining cookies you are prevented from taking full advantage of our website.
Our website has Google Analytics for Display Advertising installed including Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting, Google Display Network Impression Reporting, Remarketing and DoubleClick Campaign Manager integration. Travelyart, along with third party vendors, use the cookies and identifiers collected [first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookie) or other first-party identifiers, and third-party cookies (such as the DoubleClick cookie) or other third-party identifiers together] to analyze how users use the site, gather statistical information and tailor fit the advertisements and other content that will be shown to you. Users who wish to prevent their data from being used by Google Analytics can download and activate the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on. Users can also customize Google Display Network ads using the Google Ads Settings.
Other third party service providers, advertising companies and affiliates may place cookies on some of the pages you visit on our website. The purpose of these cookies is to collect Non-Personally Identifiable Information in order to customize their services in accordance to your interests and preferences. You acknowledge and agree that we shall not be liable for any damage or inconvenience that these cookies, placed by such parties to our website, may cause.

11. Information from Social Media. Subject to relevant confidentiality provisions and privacy policy, you acknowledge and agree that Travelyart may automatically collect or gather solely for statistical purposes user data from social media whenever you log-in or sign-up.

12. No Viruses or Malicious Code. You will not knowingly introduce (or allow to be introduced), and will take reasonable steps to prevent the introduction of, a computer virus or other malicious software code into our computer systems. You shall be liable to Travelyart for any and all damage that it may incur arising from the introduction of such virus.

13. Entire Agreement and Severability. The provisions of our Privacy Policy and any amendments thereto constitute the entire agreement between you and Travelyart with respect to the subject matter hereof. If any of the provisions of these Terms of Use are found to be unenforceable, invalid, or illegal, the remainder shall not be affected thereby and shall be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law and the unenforceable, invalid, or illegal provision shall be deemed modified or eliminated to the extent necessary to permit enforcement of our Privacy Policy as a whole.

14. Changes to Our Policy. We reserve the right to make any changes to our Privacy Policy at any time or from time to time where Travelyart deems it necessary. It is your responsibility to review this Privacy Policy. Notice of changes or amendments to our Privacy Policy shall be duly posted on our website. Your continued use of this website after the effectivity of the amended Privacy Policy shall be deemed as acceptance of the Privacy Policy as amended and you shall be bound by the terms of the same.

15. Questions and Comments. Please feel free to contact us for any questions or comments you may have regarding our Privacy Policy.